Table 2: List of cholesterol free vegetable oils.

Oil typesCholesterol Content
Oil, soybean, salad or cooking, (hydrogenated) 0.0
Oil, vegetable, rice bran 0.0
Oil, wheat germ 0.0
Oil, peanut, salad or cooking 0.0
Oil, soybean, salad or cooking 0.0
Oil, olive, salad or cooking 0.0
Oil, vegetable, palm 0.0
Oil, sesame, salad or cooking 0.0
Oil, vegetable, sunflower, linoleic (less than 60%) 0.0
Oil, vegetable, cocoa butter 0.0
Oil, vegetable, cottonseed, salad or cooking 0.0
Oil, vegetable, sunflower, linoleic, (approx. 65%) 0.0
Oil, vegetable safflower, salad or cooking, linoleic, (over 70%) 0.0
Oil, vegetable safflower, salad or cooking, oleic, over 70% (primary safflower oil of commerce) 0.0
Oil, vegetable, poppyseed 0.0
Oil, vegetable, tomatoseed 0.0
Oil, vegetable, teaseed 0.0
Oil, vegetable, grapeseed 0.0


Table 2: List of cholesterol free nuts.

Nut typesCholesterol Content
Nuts, acorns, raw 0.0
Nuts, acorns, dried 0.0
Nuts, almonds 0.0
Nuts, almond paste 0.0
Nuts, beechnuts, dried 0.0
Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched 0.0
Nuts, butternuts, dried 0.0
Nuts, cashew nuts, oil roasted, without salt added 0.0
Nuts, cashew nuts, raw 0.0
Nuts, cashew butter, plain, without salt added 0.0
Nuts, chestnuts, chinese 0.0
Nuts, chestnuts, european, raw, unpeeled 0.0
Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts 0.0
Nuts, pistachios 0.0
Nuts, pecans 0.0
Nuts, pine nuts 0.0
Nuts, peanuts, all types 0.0

Articles with dietary information helpful for lowering cholesterol naturally:

LDL cholesterol related links:
"How low should LDL cholesterol be lowered?"
LDL cholesterol lowering and atherosclerosis

Fat related content
Fat: List of Food high in total fat and saturated fatty acids
Unsaturated fat: Food high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat content?

Cholesterol in food related content:

Cholesterol: benefits and how to raise HDL cholesterol level
List of cholesterol free foods
Cholesterol content in foods of plant-origin
Cholesterol in beef, chicken, pork, lamb comparison
Cholesterol content in seafoods (tuna, salmon, shrimp)
Cookbooks for low cholesterol diet

Cholesterol free foods list source: USDA National Nutrient Database Reference, Release 18