In the following table are vegetables collected in Italy and analysed for antioxidant activity by Italian researchers. (Please see at the bottom of the page for the source of the data. ) Estimates of total antioxidant capacity in the vegetables was carried out with three methods, FRAP, TRAP and TEAC. Water and lipid-soluble extracts of the vegetables were used for the antioxidant assays.

Total antioxidant capacity of vegetable extracts

Antioxidant Source Antioxidant activity (estimated by three different methods)
 FRAP (mmol Fe2+/ Kg FW)TRAP (mmol Trolox/Kg FW)TEAC (mmol Trolox/Kg FW)
Artichoke 11.09 6.85 1.55
Arugula 14.30 4.22 3.55
Asparagus 10.60 9.71 3.92
Avocado 4.90 1.87 2.22
Beet 13.13 2.70 5.21
Beetroot (red cooked) 15.31 7.67 2.94
Broccoli 11.67 3.07 3.04
Cabbage (green) 5.79 2.83 1.15
Cabbage (Savoy) 8.17 2.35 2.08
Carrot 1.06 0.70 0.44
Cauliflower 4.27 1.61 1.10
Celery 1.16 0.47 0.49
Chicory 6.72 1.88 1.86
Cucumber 0.71   0.43
Eggplant 3.77 2.82 1.10
Endive 3.24 0.91 0.30
Fennel 2.33 0.78 0.43
Green bean 2.35 0.65 1.27
Leek 2.15 1.02 0.72
Lettuce (green) 4.94 2.31 1.33
Mushroom 16.39 6.26 4.93
Onion (yellow) 5.28 2.43 1.82
Pepper (chili) 23.54 6.42 7.62
Pepper (red bell) 20.98 5.47 8.40
Potato 3.67 0.85 0.80
Pumpkin 4.00   3.71
Radicchio 11.39 6.27 3.24
Radish (red) 3.77 3.62 2.22
Spinach 26.94 5.79 8.49
Swiss chard (stalk) 11.60 2.91 3.53
Tomato (salad) 5.12 1.31 1.65
Tomato (sauce) 6.15 1.69 1.47
Turnip tops 17.77 6.62 5.52
Zucchini 3.33   2.86

FRAP = Ferric reducing antioxidant power; TRAP = total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter; TEAC = Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity. FW=Fresh weight

Table adapted from: Nicoletta Pellegrini, Mauro Serafini, Barbara Colombi, Daniele Del Rio, Sara Salvatore, Marta Bianchi and Furio Brighenti. 2003. Total Antioxidant Capacity of Plant Foods, Beverages and Oils Consumed in Italy Assessed by Three Different In Vitro Assays. J. Nutr. 133:2812-2819.